#walkmyworld – My Reflection

I have come to realize that I have developed a variety of different identities, both on and offline, over the course of my life.

I am a teacher, a brother, a son, a lifter, a gamer, a husband, an uncle, a friend, an auto parts professional, and probably many more.

Until recently, I never really drew lines between these different personalities. I just was who I was when I needed to be whoever I needed to be. Of late, however, I have begun to notice when and where I switch from one identity to another. I notice the differences in the words, tones, and actions I use. I have even begun to notice different identities I take on when i interact with different people in the same space.

This has been an interesting learning experience for me and has allowed me to think about who I am, who I want to be, and who I want people to think that I am.

But through all of this deep thought, I have come to a great realization. I am all of these things and more. I am changing every day and I will have more different identities before i ma through.

In the end, I am ME. Despite all of the titles and roles I may undertake, in the end they are all the things that make ME the ME that I am. And I like ME a lot

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