Filling Up Your Toolbox: Using Technology To Support High Yield Teaching Strategies

As we continue to move deeper into the 21st century, the inclusion of technology in our daily lives becomes more and more prevalent. As educators, the way we incorporate this technology into our classrooms and our lessons is critical in developing the skills and dispositions that our students will need to be able to demonstrate as they head out into an ever changing world. While there has been a tremendous amount of research and effort put into the development of teaching strategies that promote high levels of achievement (Marzano Fig. 1, Hattie Fig. 2), there is still a lack of knowledge and skill on behalf of the teaching core (both practicing teachers and those responsible for teacher prep) on the effective inclusion of technology into those teaching strategies. My goal will be to offer some insight into the process of integrating technology into high yield teaching strategies, while keeping in line with the Common Core State Standards that we are all so familiar with.

Marzano 9
Fig. 1
Hattie strats
Fig. 2
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